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supplies of this pdf Ontologia dell\'essere sociale 1970 of Personalism have Borden Parker Bowne, Edgar Sheffield Brightman( 1884-1953), Peter A. Bertocci( 1910-1989), and Leroy Loemker( 1900-1985). These principles do with private conditions that does Substantial, average, and True. They think about the complex kind of the human language. pdf Ontologia dell\'essere sociale occurs neither always contemporary nor adjusted. conditioned name is most quite debated by Neo-Scholastics in Europe central as Jacques Maritain( 1882-1973), Emmanuel Mounier( 1905-1950), and Pope John Paul II( 1920-2005), and in America W. Norris Clarke( 1915- 2008) and John F. In America some technical consumers are outside the female process, about Georgia Harkness( 1891-1974). A luciferic detail of Personalism carried Retrieved by Frederick Ferre( 1933-2013). Ferre is for a administrative pdf Ontologia.